Inequality Aversion Among Spanish Gypsies. An Experimental Approach


  • Ramón Cobo Reyes Universidad de Granada
  • Natalia Jiménez Universidad de Granada
  • Ángel Solano García Universidad de Granada



Equal Distribution, Ethnic Minorities, Experiments, Mechanism, Solidarity


This paper presents a first attempt to measure inequality aversion among gypsies. We conducted an experiment among adult gypsies living at slums outside Vallecas (Madrid). To analyze this variable we use the mechanism provided by Kroll & Davidovitz (2003) among 38 voluntary participants. Results indicate that: i) 52,6% of the individuals are inequality averse; ii) there is a positive relationship between inequality aversion and some features of the population such as individual religious practice, marital status, family size, position in the hierarchy of the family or club association and, iii) neither wealth, nor participation in voluntary activities affect inequality aversion.


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How to Cite

Cobo Reyes, R., Jiménez, N., & Solano García, Ángel. (2008). Inequality Aversion Among Spanish Gypsies. An Experimental Approach. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 66(49), 47–60.


