Análisis narrativo y guerra. La cobertura del diario El País sobre el conflicto de Kosovo


  • Clemente Penalva Universidad de Alicante
  • Miguel Ángel Mateo Universidad de Alicante



International Relations, Sociology of Conflict, Mass Media


This work is an approach to the latent structure of the mediatic coverage in Spain of the intervention of NATO in Yugoslavia in the days in which the bombing of the country took place after the new outbreak of the conflict in the province of Kosovo. The period we study starts from few days before the beginning of the bombings to the 31''' of July 1999. The study is based on the conjunction of two methods of textual analyses employed on a textual corpus formed by the news about the conflict appeared in the cover of the newspaper El País. On the one hand, the semiotic analysis is used to observe the narrative sequence of the events and, on the other hand, the content analysis examines the designation ñames and attributions made on the actors implied in the conflict, as well as their presence throughout the sequence. The analysis of the data shows a tendency of the media to display the events within a narrative structure in which the actors can be determined. In the plot of story also appears actions and transformations (as if they were triáis of competence), performances, as well as the contractual and sanctioning dispositions of the narrative itinerary of the story héroe.


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How to Cite

Penalva, C., & Mateo, M. Ángel. (2000). Análisis narrativo y guerra. La cobertura del diario El País sobre el conflicto de Kosovo. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 58(26), 187–210.


