Las organizaciones no gubernamentales para el desarrollo (ONGD) en España


  • Carmen Marcuello Servos Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Chaime Marcuello Servos Universidad de Zaragoza



New Social Movement, Social Economy, Cooperation for Development


We present a study of the Non-governmental Organisations for the Development (NGOD) Spanish, members of Coordinator of NGOD- Spain (CNGOD-AND). These organisations represent a set Consolidated within sector wider of the Non-profít Organisations. They have gone from the social invisibility to the growing presence in the media and in the imaginary of the society. They have been Consolidated as social actors and as political actors. In fact, from a sociological point of view they are considered as a fundamental part of the new social movements. Also, they are economic agents, since they manage tens of million of pesetas around the beginning of the eighties and 40 billion in the year 1996. We analyse also the structural transformation that they have experimented in the last five years: contracted personnel increase, number of volunteer, number of Services offer and International presence.


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How to Cite

Marcuello Servos, C., & Marcuello Servos, C. (2000). Las organizaciones no gubernamentales para el desarrollo (ONGD) en España. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 58(25), 99–119.


