Explanatory factors of the inmigrant residential segregation in Almeria


  • Juan Carlos Checa Olmos Universidad de Almería
  • Ángeles Arjona Garrido Universidad de Almería




Discrimination, Immigration, Preferences, Residential Market, Segregation


This article studies the importance of international theoretical and empirical analyses in order to explain residential segregation of foreign immigrants in one of the most multi-ethnic areas of Spain, the province of Almería. To find out the processes leading to segregation, we have analysed urban growth and the context of reception as the key elements in designing immigrant incorporation. The results show that the main cause of segregation is ethno-discrimination based on native residential preferences for the endogroup.


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How to Cite

Checa Olmos, J. C., & Arjona Garrido, Ángeles. (2007). Explanatory factors of the inmigrant residential segregation in Almeria. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 65(48), 173–200. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2007.i48.73


