Female entrepreneurs in rural Spain. The failed subject of development


  • Rosario Sampedro Gallego Universidad de Valladolid
  • Luis Camarero Rioja Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).




Family Strategies, Gender, Rural Society, Spain


The article aims to present the results of a research on female rural entrepreneurs in Spain conducted during the year 2002, using both statistical and cualitative data. To promote women-ruled enterprises is nowadays one of the main objectives of rural development policies, as it implies to provide more and better employment opportunities for women in rural areas. This is a critical affair in a context of high rural masculinization, as Spanish is. But statistical data show that female entrepreneurs are women in their forties or fifties, ruling quite tradicional family business, and with an educational level far below from their employees. Cualitative research reveals that family responsabilites and loyalties are always present in their access to entrepreneurship and in the daily management of their businesses. The double nature of family bussines —as an employment resource and as a constraint for autonomous development— is discussed, building on previous theory and research on female entrepreneurs.


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How to Cite

Sampedro Gallego, R., & Camarero Rioja, L. (2007). Female entrepreneurs in rural Spain. The failed subject of development. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 65(48), 121–146. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2007.i48.71




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