Sociologies of energy. Towards a research agenda




Emerging energy technologies, Energy and society, Energy studies research, Engagement, Social acceptance, Social practices


This article offers a panoramic view of the field of the social studies of energy while introducing the articles of the special issue. It begins by discussing the progressive interest on studying the social aspects of energy. We relate this interest to the increasing challenges imposed by global climate change as well as the growing sociological attention to the material dimension of social life. The article suggests understanding energy and energy related phenomena as a socio-technical object which involve material, social, cultural and technical elements. The article then briefly describes different research areas concerning the intersection between energy and society and present the contributions to the monograph. We suggest that the articles comprised in this special issue are not only relevant for social scientist interested on energy related issues; they might also help energy professionals and researchers from outside the social sciences to further problematize the social aspects and challenges of energy.


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How to Cite

Ariztía, T., Boso, Àlex, & Tironi, M. (2017). Sociologies of energy. Towards a research agenda. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 75(4), e074.


