Are cohabiting and being married different? Comparing 1991 and 2001 Spanish Population Censuses


  • Pau Miret Gamundi Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona



Censuses, Cohabitation, Partnership, Spain, Youth


The objective of this paper is to establish whether there are socio-demographic differences between young couples who are cohabiting and those who are married in Spain. Data sources are the 1991 and 2001 population censuses. The age range is 20-39 years. As the dependent variable is a binary variable (cohabiting versus being married), logistic regression will be used for the analysis. A separate model for each sex and for each year is estimated. Based on the results, it is observed that on average cohabitors have different characteristics than those who are married. Cohabiting couples have fewer children, are younger and show a higher age gap between the partners. Consensual unions are more likely to rent a dwelling. They present a higher proportion where just the woman is working or both partners are not working. They also have higher educational attainment and greater educational differences between the partners. While the structure of the cohabiting population has changed substantially between 1991 and 2001, the model has not.


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How to Cite

Miret Gamundi, P. (2007). Are cohabiting and being married different? Comparing 1991 and 2001 Spanish Population Censuses. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 65(48), 55–74.


