Present and future of sociology of old age in Spain. Conclusions from a Delphi Study




Ageing, Encroachment, Invisibility, Scientific Community, Sociological Field


International studies have indicated sociology of old age’s insufficient development and consolidation as distinct scientific and academic field. In Spain, this speciality is still pretty much invisible, in disarray, and not fully established. Aiming to collaborate in the appraisal of the current and future state of sociology of old age in Spain, a Delphi study with participation of 12 experts has been undertaken. Results highlight two main threats for Spanish sociology of old age, namely perception of old age as a life stage in extinction, and professional encroachment. Invisibility of sociological studies of old age and lack of interest from higher education administrators, policymakers, and older adults themselves are considered threats as well. The main asset in this field is deemed to be the community of sociologists involved in old age studies.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Martínez, M., & López Doblas, J. (2017). Present and future of sociology of old age in Spain. Conclusions from a Delphi Study. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 75(2), e064.


