Wanting more or wanting less? Mismatches between actual and preferred working hours in Spain, 2005-2014





economic recession, fixed term contract, gender, occupational status, part-time, working hour mismatches


Mismatches between the number of hours people actually work and the hours they would prefer to work are common, and they have important consequences for individual, family and organizational life. This study contributes to prior research examining how the quality of work is affected by the economic crisis. Using data from the Spanish Labor Force Survey from 2005 to 2014, it tests three possible competing predictions for trends in working hour mismatches during the economic downturn. The study reveals that the level of mismatches has increased significantly with the economic recession due to the growing number of people who would wish to work more hours than they actually do. Findings show that the increase in hour mismatches has been particularly striking among workers employed under fixed term contracts, part-time contracts, those in low-status occupations and women. The economic crisis has widened the gap between high- and low-status workers over the last decade.


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How to Cite

Torre Fernández, M. (2017). Wanting more or wanting less? Mismatches between actual and preferred working hours in Spain, 2005-2014. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 75(2), e061. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2017.


