A new urban civility. Cognitive capitalism, habitus and gentrification





Bourdieu, Cultural production, Gentrification


The knowledge economy has recently become a battleground between global cities. Activities related to culture, knowledge and technical knowledge reinforce the idea of the need for strategic spatial hubs and formal policies to attract people to cities by revitalising urban centres. To examine this process of gentrification in the centre of contemporary cities, I will review the remarkable importance attached to cultural production in recent times, which has led to the development of certain policies for attracting knowledge workers to metropolitan centres, thereby promoting the figurative distinction of a constructed “creative class”. Finally, I will establish a dialogue with Bourdieu to help us discern whether there is a metropolitan social practice belonging to these new middle classes or whether the juxtaposition of these distinctive social practices is producing mechanisms that are contributing to the direct or indirect displacement of an unwanted population from places of increasing value.


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How to Cite

Sequera Fernández, J. (2017). A new urban civility. Cognitive capitalism, habitus and gentrification. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 75(1), e055. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2017.


