What does social research say about high-stakes tests?





Comparative Education, Educational Reform, External Tests, High-Stakes, LOMCE, School Law


High-stake tests, which students need to pass in order to gain a Secondary education certificate, have aroused a lot of controversy whenever they have been implemented. Especially in the USA these tests have produced a dramatic shrinking of school knowledge as they have been focused into questions posed by the very tests. At the same time, there has been a critical modification of the learning processes due to the fact that these tests encourage students to pay more attention to factual knowledge, which is far away from hands-on learning, debating in class or working in teams. In spite of certain discrepancies, by and large, research casts serious doubts about whether these tests are conductive to better academic performance. Nevertheless, the dropout rate is on the rise. More often than not, school principals have been found preventing struggling students to sit the exams. A review of the research into this matter allows us to put into context the debate surrounding external exams posed by the current education law (LOMCE: Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality) passed by the parliamentary majority of the Popular Party in Spain in 2013.


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How to Cite

Feito Alonso, R. (2017). What does social research say about high-stakes tests?. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 75(1), e053. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2017.


