Consequences of the beanpole kin structure on interchanges among generations


  • Gerardo Meil Landwerlin Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Beanpole Kin Structure, Family Contacts, Family Networks, Family Solidarity, Family Support


This article analyzes the effects of the number of siblings and their sex composition as well as other indicators of individualization which are intertwined with the development of a beanpole type kin structure on interchanges among generations in Spain. The effects of this development varies according to the point of view adopted, the parents one or that of the adult children. Though this development increases the probability not to have daughters, there are no clear signs of a weakening of intergenerational ties derived from the development of a beanpole type kin structure. The biggest threat for the density of intergenerational relationships derives not as much from this development, but from the geographical dispersion of the generations caused by the lack of professional and employment opportunities for the younger generations.


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How to Cite

Meil Landwerlin, G. (2007). Consequences of the beanpole kin structure on interchanges among generations. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 65(48), 9–31.


