How television remembers. The past as told by Spanish news programs


  • Luis Pablo Francescutti Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Anniversaries, Audiovisual Media, Amnesia, History, Past, Social


Mass media relationships with collective memory are the subject of ongoing debate; either they are blamed for immersing the audience into a fleeting amnesic present; or they are hailed as crucial mediators of remembering and forgetting in contemporary society. This article contributes to the discussion with a research about one of the ways television has to remember: anniversaries. The content analysis of Spanish news programs confirmed the regular broadcasting of anniversaries. These news narrate a version of history highly dependent upon the news program format, reshaping the borders of the subjects, countries and facts worthy of remembrance while legitimizing television as witness to history and as history narrator. Far from promoting social amnesia, this commemorative journalism allows television to get involved in the management of collective memory.


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How to Cite

Francescutti, L. P. (2015). How television remembers. The past as told by Spanish news programs. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 73(2), e014.


