Secularization and Acceleration. Theological foundations of the sociological concept «social acceleration»


  • Felipe Torres Navarro Instituto de Humanidades. Universidad Diego Portales



Acceleration, Historical Time, Modernity, Schortening


The term «time shortening» is related to the Judeo-Christian tradition that announces the end of time as the moment when God, honoring the elected, will shorten the days and hours, for without doing it no one would be saved. While salvation is, in this sense, associated with the divine intervention, the thesis of acceleration reverses the above formula by blaming the human being for having narrowed the time. However, if time shortening is aimed at the salvation of the world in the apocalypse, where does the acceleration point, that is, the secularized notion of time shortening? What justifies the increasing speed in the realization of tasks that formerly took considerable time and today are made in a few hours? How to justify the frenzy to get what is intended in the shortest time possible?.


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How to Cite

Torres Navarro, F. (2015). Secularization and Acceleration. Theological foundations of the sociological concept «social acceleration». Revista Internacional De Sociología, 73(2), e009.


