Media diet of the spanish. Study through the use of time in 2009-2010


  • Javier Callejo Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)



Clusters, Internet Use, Media Consumption, Social Structure, Time Budget Surveys


Television remains the most consumed media by the Spanish. However, after this first statement we find a society with significant differences when it interacts with the media. A cluster analysis of the Time Uses Survey 2009-2010, conducted by Instituto Nacional de Estadística, has found four groups or media diets. Every media diet articulates different amount of time of television consumption, use of digital media (computer and internet) and other media consumption in everyday life. This work also shows the importance in setting such diets of household income, type of household, relation to activity and age. Finally, gender appears not so much as a criterion to differentiate media diets as a criterion to explain the time spent on other activities within each media diet.


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How to Cite

Callejo, J. (2015). Media diet of the spanish. Study through the use of time in 2009-2010. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 73(1), e005.


