Position at home and gender. Quality of life inequalities regarding the Spanish adult population health


  • Jordi Gumà Universidad Autónoma Barcelona
  • Rocio Treviño Universidad Autónoma Barcelona
  • Antonio D. Cámara Universidad Autónoma Barcelona




Gender, Health-Related Quality of Life, Household, Social Determinants of Health


This paper applies a gender perspective to explore the relationship between the position of individuals within the household and the health-related quality of life (CVRS) among the population aged 30 to 64 living in Spain (N=13.258). Microdata from the Spanish sample of the European Health Survey of 2009 are utilized for this purpose. Multivariate linear regression models for males and females are run which include the following controllers: age, labor status, educational level, social capital, nationality and variables approaching individuals’ objective health. Results show that, among females, the position within the household is more influential on CVRS than some other individual characteristics. This is not the case among males. One-parent family is the household position that penalize CVRS the most which stands especially for females. Among males, living (or not) in couple is the most influential factor on CVRS. Gender-related determinants are discussed.


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How to Cite

Gumà, J., Treviño, R., & Cámara, A. D. (2015). Position at home and gender. Quality of life inequalities regarding the Spanish adult population health. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 73(1), e003. https://doi.org/10.3989/2013.03.04


