Social movements, corporate social responsibility, and social inclusion in globalization


  • Tomás Alberich Universidad de Jaén



Corporate Social Responsibility, Globalization, Non Profit Disability Associations, Social Movements


The 70s saw the inauguration of a cycle of successive socioeconomic crisis until the starting of the current crisis in 2008, marked by speculative capitalism, which has been growing during the last two decades following the thread of neoliberal globalization. This article outlines the four main positions in the current politico-economic systems, describing how in one of them (self-regulated capitalism) the Welfare State tends to drop in favor of a rising Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The author uses tetralemas to describe the four main variants of the CSR and how these are used by non-profit associations and social movements, from their different approaches and relationships with the public and private institutions, analyzing the example of the associations working on the social action on disability.


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How to Cite

Alberich, T. (2014). Social movements, corporate social responsibility, and social inclusion in globalization. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 72(Extra_1), 113–132.


