Technology of information and communication as an environment of technological convergence. Design thinking applied to intellectual disability


  • Yolanda de la Fuente Robles Universidad de Jaén
  • Jesús Hernández-Galán Fundación ONCE



Accessible, Autonomy, Design Thinking, Intellectual disabilities, ICTs


This article presents research related to the use of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by people with intellectual disabilities as a means to increase their autonomy in basic daily activities offering people with barriers in learning and participation an environment of technological convergence that meets the characteristics of universal accessibility: invisibility, ubiquity and adaptability. For this, a software with accessible interface was designed in order to make the use of the training program the most easy and attractive possible. Training with this program provided an increase of up to 10% in autonomy in some of the categories of ABVD, thus demonstrating the efficacy of the software designed through the parameter of design thinking.


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How to Cite

de la Fuente Robles, Y., & Hernández-Galán, J. (2014). Technology of information and communication as an environment of technological convergence. Design thinking applied to intellectual disability. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 72(Extra_1), 93–112.


