Business ethics and societies in crisis from an axiological approach


  • Eva María Sotomayor Morales Universidad de Jaén
  • Macario Cámara de la Fuente Universidad de Jaén



Business ethics, Corporate social responsibility, Economic crisis, Needs, Social values


At the beginning of the 21st century, paradigmatic positioning that gave companies a social function beyond a mercantilist function had not yet been reached a consensus. The economic crisis caused certain fracture on the basis which these discourses are based on, which generates an interest on the analysis of the business ethics from different points of view. With these precedents and from an axiological approach, the aim of this paper is to realise a conceptual dissertation through the discussion of the phenomenon around needs and values, with the aim of analysing reference patterns that are present in normative scopes, social demands and comparative factors of other analogous periods, such as the Great Depression of 1929. For this, we take as a basis Bradshaw’s theory of needs. With the aim of laying the analytical foundations for future researches, the result has been the grouping of concepts in five large dyads need/value.


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How to Cite

Sotomayor Morales, E. M., & Cámara de la Fuente, M. (2014). Business ethics and societies in crisis from an axiological approach. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 72(Extra_1), 25–44.


