The effect of social networks structure on the individuals´ access to the labour market


  • José Ignacio García-Valdecasas Universidad Carlos III



Agent-Based Modelling, Artificial Networks, Social Capital, Social Network Analysis, Virtual Experiments


This work attempts to analyse the effect of social networks structure on the access to the labour market for individuals through the diffusion of information which takes place in such networks (an aspect of social capital). For that purpose, it combines agent-based modelling and social network analysis in order to carry out virtual experiments with artificial networks. The results show that not only the type of structure (small world, free scale networks, random networks and regular networks), but also certain structural properties such as the density of network, the index of globalization in links or the degree of inequality in the distribution of links affect deeply on the opportunities of agents in order to achieve employment.


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How to Cite

García-Valdecasas, J. I. (2014). The effect of social networks structure on the individuals´ access to the labour market. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 72(2), 303–321.


