Subjective Wellbeing, Income and Relational Goods. The Determinants of Happiness in Spain


  • Emma Iglesias Vázquez Universidad de la Coruña
  • José Atilano Pena López Universidad de la Coruña
  • José Manuel Sánchez Santos Universidad de la Coruña



Revealed Subjective Satisfaction, Easterlin Paradox, Income-Happiness Relationship, Relational Goods


In the present paper we analyze the determinants of happiness proxying by subjective welfare. The main objective is twofold: on the one hand, to put to the test the Easterlin’s paradox (the lack of a direct relationship between income and subjective wellbeing at aggregate level) and, on the other hand, to weight influence of relational goods in determining happiness. The analytical framework adopts the perspective of happiness economics and the empirical evidence is derived from the estimation of a microeconometric function of happiness applying a Logit model both when using cross sectional and panel data. The results show that in Spanish society income plays a secondary and subjective role, while other variables that are associated directly or indirectly to relational goods are revealed to be very important.


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How to Cite

Iglesias Vázquez, E., Pena López, J. A., & Sánchez Santos, J. M. (2013). Subjective Wellbeing, Income and Relational Goods. The Determinants of Happiness in Spain. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 71(3), 567–592.


