The Trade Union Membership in Argentina. Analysis of their determinants


  • Marcelo Delfini Universidad de Buenos Aires



Crisis Of Union Representation, Membership Rates, Labor Relations, Contextual Factors


The phenomena of the decline in the union density have led to various interpretations, which can be grouped into two main currents. The first one attributes the causes of the decline in affiliation to the contextual factors of the unions, linked to economic and political transformations. The second one, emphasizes the internal factors of the organized labor, linked to organizational forms of union. Among the first were reported changes related to the economic structure, the individual characteristics of the workers and the social and labor factors as determinants of affiliation. In this context, the objective of this paper is to analyze the union density in its linkage with different contextual variables among Argentine workers, establishing the extent to which they approach to the traditional assumptions about the crisis of union representation.


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How to Cite

Delfini, M. (2013). The Trade Union Membership in Argentina. Analysis of their determinants. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 71(1), 91–114.


