Intergenerational Transmission of Cultural Skills and Attitudes. Adjusting the Paradigm of Cultural Omnivorousness for Andalusia


  • Manuel Herrera-Usagre Universidad de Sevilla



Cultural consumption, Music, Omnivorism, Social stratification


Musical taste has been a research focus in sociology, not in the way it is acquired in school, but how primary groups, e.g. family or peer groups, have influenced it. In this article we have used the Survey of Social Reality in Andalusia (2009) with the aim of showing the role played by individuals social characteristics on their music consumption patterns. Our results have showed that there is no a exclusive consumption pattern of high culture linked to a social milieu. Through a latent class analysis, we have found three consumption patterns: ‘omnivore’, ‘modern’ and ‘traditional univore’, distinguishing by educational level, age and social origin. Thus, the voraciousness of musical genres is the result of a combination of factors such as educational attainment, life cycle and intergenerational transmission of cultural skills and attitudes, and not by the achievement of prestige or social class.


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Author Biography

Manuel Herrera-Usagre, Universidad de Sevilla

MANUEL HERRERA es Licenciado en Sociología por la Universidad de Granada, Máster Oficial por la misma Universidad y Experto por la Universidad de Växjö. En la actualidad, ejerce como técnico de investigación en la Agencia de Calidad Sanitaria de Andalucía. Ha sido docente en la Universidad de Sevilla y realizado tareas de investigación con el Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía, la Fundación Centro de Estudios Andaluces y la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. Sus principales áreas de investigación son estratificación social, movilidad social intergeneracional, consumo cultural, gestión del conocimiento y calidad sanitaria.


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How to Cite

Herrera-Usagre, M. (2013). Intergenerational Transmission of Cultural Skills and Attitudes. Adjusting the Paradigm of Cultural Omnivorousness for Andalusia. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 71(1), 143–167.


