The Intentional Paradigm in Citizen Assessment of Local Administration. Utility versus Wellbeing


  • Enrique Carreras Romero Universidad San Pablo CEU. Madrid
  • Benjamín González Rodríguez Universidad de A Coruña



citizen satisfaction, service Quality, service Value, structural equation modeling


In the last years, one can find a renewed interest in the citizen´s assessment of local services. This article examines the possibility of applying the so called intentional paradigm to this field. The paradigm is based on the theory of reasoned action and it links service evaluation to the citizen´s political intention within the same explanatory mechanism. nevertheless, this mechanism has been formulated in two rival versions, “satisfaction” and “service value”. The purpose of this paper is to determine which of these models works better in the assessment of local services. Using empirical data collected in nine cities from the east of spain, a secondary analysis was applied using structural equation models in order to find out the most plausible mechanism (utility versus wellbeing) that explains the formation of favorable attitudes towards local entities.


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How to Cite

Carreras Romero, E., & González Rodríguez, B. (2013). The Intentional Paradigm in Citizen Assessment of Local Administration. Utility versus Wellbeing. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 71(1), 9–36.


