Bourdieu and Luhmann. Differences, Similarities, Synergies


  • Richard Pfeilstetter Universidad de Sevilla



epistemology, Sociological Theory, Social Systems Theory, Theory of Practice


A compilation of articles edited by Nassehi and Nollmann (2004) and a paper published by Pokol (2002) inaugurate a discussion about similarities in the theories of Pierre Bourdieu and Niklas Luhmann in spite of the fact that the differences are more likely visible. This paper unifies the discussion which until now has been developed from various authors independently and introduces the arguments in the Spanish speaking academic sphere. readopting and accentuating the comparative idea, this text defends that using simultaneously, previously justified, the theories of Bourdieu and Luhmann is an interesting possibility of epistemological synthesis. developing a systematic comparison of similarities and differences in core concepts from each author, their relation with classical and contemporary sociological theory, their epistemological axioms, views on agency/structure and subjacent ethics, the paper finally summarizes the synergetic effects which a perspective based on both theoretical sources offers for social investigation.


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How to Cite

Pfeilstetter, R. (2012). Bourdieu and Luhmann. Differences, Similarities, Synergies. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 70(3), 489–510.


