Living Apart Together in Spain. Engagements or Independent Couples?
Cohabitation, Emancipation, Forming a Partnership, Marriages, The Second UnionsAbstract
The phenomenon of the Living Apart together (LAt) names partnerships that do not live habitually in the same residence. in Spain this phenomenon has increased in the last years as consequence of the retard in the familiar emancipation. nevertheless, this conceptualization groups into social very diverse realities. this study analyzes a sample of 692 women in LAt between 20 and 79 years proceeding from estudio 2,639, Fecundidad y valores en la España del siglo XXI elaborated by the CiS in 2006. in Spain there are 8% of women in this situation, of which 60% can be considered to be engagements. this phenome non concerns all the marital statuses, with social characteristics and different attitudes. There are 11% of “alternative” LAT to the conventional unions. They identify as the principal person of the home and reject the marriage; his profile answers to women of medium age, work independent and with children.
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