Participation and engagement in associations of European young people. Social trends and political challenges


  • Rafael Merino Pareja Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona



Youth, Youth Policy


In this article we compare available data by several youth surveys, in the field of participation in associations, basically in Spain and Germany. Empirical data are framed in a historical context, that enlighten different ways of engagement among young people. We want to go beyond traditional differences between northern countries, with high rates of engagement, and southern countries, with low rates, and we state that some issues in theoretical and political discussion trend to be shared, as the transformation of several associations in services enterprises, the instrumentalisation of associative praxis throughout informal knowledge validation or the access to social benefits.


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How to Cite

Merino Pareja, R. (2006). Participation and engagement in associations of European young people. Social trends and political challenges. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 64(43), 193–215.


