Internet Use and the Political Knowledge Gap in Spain


  • Eva Anduiza Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Aina Gallego Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
  • Laia Jorba Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona



Internet, Knowledge Gaps, New Media, Political knowledge


Media availability and fragmentation and the resulting possibilities of content selection have risen dramatically with the expansion of new digital media. Previous research has found that this may increase knowledge gaps among citizens with different resources and motivations. This article analyses how Internet use affects political knowledge gaps due to education and to political interest in Spain. As expected, frequent Internet users are more knowledgeable about politics than non-users. Furthermore, Internet use increases knowledge more for the highly educated than for citizens with lower levels of education. Thus, the political knowledge gap related to education seems to be growing with the introduction of new media. However, the knowledge gap between citizens with high and low levels of political interest is smaller for frequent Internet users than for non-users. These findings provide a complex picture and partially contradict the pessimistic theory about the impact of increasing media choice on political knowledge.


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How to Cite

Anduiza, E., Gallego, A., & Jorba, L. (2012). Internet Use and the Political Knowledge Gap in Spain. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 70(1), 129–151.


