Ideal family model in spanish society


  • Luis Navarro Ardoy Consejería de Igualdad. Junta de Andalucía



Family Relationships, Individual Preferences, Gender Roles, Segmentation Analysis


The aim of this article is to study the ideal models of family relationships in Spain. To this end, we start analysing the roles and responsibilities of the couple, both in the labour and the domestic spheres. The strategy of analysis consists of two phases. First, we analize the Spanish population preferences regarding the most preferred type of family (ideal family model). In addition, we observe the evolution of these opinions over the last few years. In the second phase considered as the focal point of our study, we deepen the analysis on the ideal family models. Furthermore, we state the most influential socio-demographic variables in relation to the ‘symmetrical or egalitarian’ ideal model, which is considered to be the one in which both man and woman have a formal job and share housework and childcare.


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How to Cite

Navarro Ardoy, L. (2006). Ideal family model in spanish society. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 64(43), 119–138.


