Basic income and its possible pull effect


  • Àlex Boso Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
  • Mihaela Vancea Universitat Oberta de Catalunya



Immigration, International Migration, Politics of Accommodation, Social Networks, Social Policy


In the last two decades, there has been a significant number of studies on the proposal of a basic income, but its relationship with the process of contemporary international migration has not been clearly and exhaustively analysed until now. In this article, the authors explore the viability of implementing a basic income of citizenship that could include immigrants with more than one year of residence within the target population. The main objective of this study is to contrast the arguments raised up by the hypothesis of a possible ‘pull effect’ of a basic income. The analysis focuses on the potential behaviour of agents who could be motivated to emigrate by the existence of a basic income in a destination country. The study brings in theoretical arguments and empirical data that question the magnitude and even the existence of a possible pull effect of a basic income, and points up that the proposal is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for an increase in migrant population.


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How to Cite

Boso, Àlex, & Vancea, M. (2011). Basic income and its possible pull effect. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 69(3), 699–723.


