Environmental Justice. The State of the Art


  • Alicia Arriaga Legarda Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Mercedes Pardo Buendía Universidad Carlos III de Madrid




Environmentalism, Social Justice, Social movement


Issues of social justice and equity related to the environment have taken place in the environmental justice movement. Previously, the environmental movement had focused, almost exclusively, on issues related to the conservation of the physical environment as well as the reduction of pollutants from the atmosphere, land and water. the environmental justice paradigm, however, has sought, since its origins in the united States three decades ago, to incorporate issues of social justice in the environmental movement, with performances of great national success. the concept of environmental justice is dual, both as a social movement, and as a paradigm with enormous implications in the area of public action. this article will consider, theoretically, the state of the art of environmental justice, with the aim of evaluating the impact this paradigm has on the environmental movement and on political issues.


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How to Cite

Arriaga Legarda, A., & Pardo Buendía, M. (2011). Environmental Justice. The State of the Art. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 69(3), 627–648. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2009.12.210


