Discursive Exclusion. Toward a new concept of social exclusion


  • Benno Herzog Universitat de València




Discourse Analysis, Migration, Social Theory, System Theory


The term “social exclusion” has been converting into a buzzword in European social sciences in the last decade. But the double use of the notion, as a concept of social politics as well as a sociological concept is producing a blurring of its contents. The aim of this article is to offer an approach which is able to satisfy the theoretic requirements for an analytical sociological concept by making use of the concept of discursive exclusion. Therefore the text develops the notion of discursive exclusion based on the most recent findings about sociological discourse theory and its contributions to the understanding of the construction of social reality. The process of social exclusion has to be understood in the context of its discursive production but also has to go beyond language. The approach will be exemplified by a case study about the exclusion of migrants in Spain.


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How to Cite

Herzog, B. (2011). Discursive Exclusion. Toward a new concept of social exclusion. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 69(3), 607–626. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2009.12.21


