Determinants of ethnic concentration in the spanish labour market


  • Alberto Veira Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Mikolaj Stanek Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
  • Lorenzo Cachón Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Ethnic niche, Labour market, Migration, Spain


This article provides insight on the mechanisms which determine the concentration of immigrant population in certain occupational categories in the Spanish labour market. Using survey data from the Spanish National Immigrant Survey (2007) we have firstly identified ethnic niches where Argentinean, Ecuadorian, French, Moroccan and Romanian workers concentrate. Secondly, we run multinomial logit models in order to assess the impact of human capital, social capital and contextual related variables on the likelihood of working in some of occupational categories identified previously as ethnic niches, namely: hospitality industry workers, routine agriculture workers, construction workers and domestic labour. Our main findings suggest that educational attainment, legal status, access to contacts at the time of arrival in Spain, country of origin, and previous job experience are strong predictors of the presence of foreign labour in the above mentioned niches.


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How to Cite

Veira, A., Stanek, M., & Cachón, L. (2011). Determinants of ethnic concentration in the spanish labour market. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 69(M1), 219–242.


