Social Change and 'Modern Constitution' in the Classics of Sociology. Durkheim and Weber in Comparative Perspective


  • José Santiago Universidad Complutense de Madrid



History, Bruno Latour, Modern Critique, Modernity, Religion


The aim of this article is to analyse the conception of social change of Durkheim and Weber from a comparative perspective. It proposes a reading of their works attending to the place these authors occupy in what, following Bruno Latour, may be named as “Modern Constitution”. From this metatheoretical level, the comparison brings to light the tools and resources of the “Modern Critique” which they utilise to build their theories of social change. From this comparative perspective, the article examines how Durkheim and Weber theorize on the “fourth guarantee” of the “Modern Constitution”, that refers to God’s presence in modernity. Finally, this “guarantee” is problematized in the frame of the contemporary society attending to current theories.


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How to Cite

Santiago, J. (2011). Social Change and ’Modern Constitution’ in the Classics of Sociology. Durkheim and Weber in Comparative Perspective. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 69(2), 333–351.


