The conflict caused by the introduction of bears in the Pyrenees. Different interpretations of the natural and national contracts


  • José Ángel Bergua-Amores Universidad de Zaragoza



anamnesis, enviromentalism, ecologism, nationalism


The confilct caused by introducing bears into the Pyrenees, the mountain range dividing France and Spain, seems to be related to two cornerstones of modern life -the natural contract regulating the relationship between humans and animals, and a political contract regulating land ordnance of national territories. With regard to the natural relationship, if the categories of ontology proposed by ph. descola are accepted, against the “naturalism” instituted by science in the present, and the “totemism” revived by the ecology movement, there is also “animism”, promoted by hunters and livestock farmers, who put a very different interpretation on the relationship between humans and animals. notwithstanding land divisions between France and Spain, a type of relationship between the various valleys in the Pyrenees emerges from the political contract, and is one that has existed well before this age. like “animism”, this political social bond has remained on the edge and in some small corners in the order of modern life.


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How to Cite

Bergua-Amores, J. Ángel. (2011). The conflict caused by the introduction of bears in the Pyrenees. Different interpretations of the natural and national contracts. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 69(2), 439–460.


