Ethics of responsability in sport organisations


  • Klaus Heinemann Universidad de Hamburgo



Sport Management, Take Decision, Market Economy, Values, Ethical Behavior


The decision maker in a sport organisation has two different responsibilities: he or she is responsible for sport and those who practise it as well as for the economic profit of the organisation. But responsibility means, a. that there exist ethical criteria, by which decisions can be evaluated, and b. that the responsible has the freedom of decision at least between two alternatives. The article tries to point out, which ethical criteria are fundamental for sport organisations and if the possibility of free decision under the condition of free market competition is guarantied. The article analyses a hierarchy of ethical criteria: 1.Iimplications of Human Rights for sport; 2. Analysis of the ethics of the market economy and within the market economy, which can limitate the freedom of decision making; 3. Further on it describes the system of sport as the space of regulation of conflicting interests and ethical positions from the perspective of the concept of stakeholder 4. At least it points out the necessity of an ethic of organisations and the specific ethical problems and challenges in the process of decision making within a sport organisation.


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How to Cite

Heinemann, K. (2006). Ethics of responsability in sport organisations. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 64(44), 153–176.


