The contribution of sexual difference feminism to the analyses of gender within sport


  • Montserrat Martín Horcajo Universitat de Vic



Female Sexual Difference, Gender, Women’s Relationships, Rugby


In this article, the author explores how sexual difference feminism can contribute to the analyses of women’s experiences in rugby. The author uses the most important concepts of sexual difference feminism like affidamento relationships, female authority and female desire and freedom to show the need to create a new language that allows thinking and interpreting female rugby experiences. A feminine rugby practice which is framed beyond traditional gender stereotypes of sport. The paper ends concluding the importance of creating a new symbolic order in which women can make sense of their way of being and thinking in and of sport.


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How to Cite

Martín Horcajo, M. (2006). The contribution of sexual difference feminism to the analyses of gender within sport. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 64(44), 111–131.


