Patriarchy and politics. The Women Committee of the Greater London Council (1981-1986) as an experience of local democracy


  • Rafael Rodríguez Prieto Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Sevilla.
  • José María Seco Martínez Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Sevilla.



Democracy, Participation, Social Movements, Feminist Thinking, Patriarchal Domination


The Greater London Council has probably been the most ambitious experience of local democracy in Europe so far. Influenced by the social movements of the seventies and leaded by the most critical left of the Labour Party, it brought alliances with the social movements to a conclusion, it gave autonomy to different groups —women, homosexual and ethnic groups —so that they could participate with freedom in the decision-making. In spite of its limited competences, we can consider the Greater London Council (1981-1986) as one of the most relevant events of our recent political history. Inside the Greater London Council, the Women Committee was the most outstanding and the one that influenced the most in its initiatives and actions, and at the same time one of the forgotten group. The real and active influence of the feminist thinking in all its actions of local government were not just related to the women context, but it made politics feminization became possible. Though it was attacked and questioned before it became abolished, the Women Committee stood out because of its democratic and equality-oriented actions.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Prieto, R., & Seco Martínez, J. M. (2006). Patriarchy and politics. The Women Committee of the Greater London Council (1981-1986) as an experience of local democracy. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 64(45), 171–196.


