The Socioeconomic determinants of economic inequality. Evidence from Portugal


  • Santiago Budría Universidad de Madeira and CEEAplA



capital income Distribution, generalized ordered Probit model, inequality, income Distribution, Labour earnings Distribution


This article uses data from the 1994-2001 waves of the European Union Household Panel to investigate the socioeconomic determinants of economic inequality. the paper focuses on Portugal, a country with the largest inequality levels among EU countries, to report relevant facts on the distributions of income, labour earnings, and capital income. the paper shows how these distributions are related to family characteristics such as age, education, marital status and employment status. a generalized ordered Probit model is used to investigate how and to what extent the households’ socioeconomic attributes determine their economic status and their mobility along the distributions. the article concludes that education is by and large the dimension more closely related to inequality.


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How to Cite

Budría, S. (2010). The Socioeconomic determinants of economic inequality. Evidence from Portugal. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 68(1), 81–124.


