Residential segregation of the foreign population in Madrid’s metropolitan area. A quantitative analysis


  • Alfonso Echazarra CCSR. University of Manchester y CEACS. Instituto Juan March. Madrid



Contexts of Socialization, Immigration, Segregation Indices, Social Exclusion


This article aims at fulfilling three objectives. First of all, stress the importance of neighbourhoods for individual life outcomes, by way of their relationship with other relevant spaces of socialization and with social exclusion processes. Secondly, measure immigrants’ residential segregation in Madrid’s Metropolitan Area, in four of the five dimensions proposed by Denton and Massey (1988), together with other measures less frequently used.


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How to Cite

Echazarra, A. (2010). Residential segregation of the foreign population in Madrid’s metropolitan area. A quantitative analysis. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 68(1), 165–197.


