Identity and behaviour of BT corn. The debate about the prediction of the potentially adverse consequences of the genetic engineering


  • Jósean Larrión Cartujo Universidad Pública de Navarra



controversies, experts, Safety, technoscience, uncertainty


This article analyses the main causes and consequences related to the powerful scientific and technological network of the contemporary occidental societies. Specifically, it is examined the particular controversy about the creation, growing and commercialization of a transgenic corn variety which it is property of a multinational enterprise called Syngenta. In opposition to the more idealistic and metaphysical perspectives of the research practice, in this work it is proposed that the development of the research may not completely guarantee the future closure of some problems related with the present scientific and technological system. bearing in mind a more critical and reflexive point of view about the new technoscience, it is explored the dissimilar collective translations activated and mobilized here and it is investigated which particular social groups are benefited and which others are harmed by the conflict of the free global propagation of these genetically modified organisms.


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How to Cite

Larrión Cartujo, J. (2010). Identity and behaviour of BT corn. The debate about the prediction of the potentially adverse consequences of the genetic engineering. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 68(1), 125–144.


