The Sociological Relevance of the Scottish Enlightenment


  • Isabel Wences Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



Adam Ferguson, Adam Smith, John Millar, Social Theory of the Scottish Enlightenment


Scottish Enlightenment is one of the most significant intellectual movements of the eighteenth century’s cultural history. Nonetheless, Spanish-speaking researchers have neglected a large part of the contributions associated to it, or studied them mainly from an economical or a philosophical standpoint. The present work intends to bridge this gap by approaching this period from a sociological outlook. It is based on two objectives: On one side, to highlight the most significant contributions of Scottish Enlightenment to social science and, on the other side, to acknowledge specific lectures realized by social theoreticians of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries on the Scottish Enlightenment period.


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How to Cite

Wences, I. (2010). The Sociological Relevance of the Scottish Enlightenment. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 68(1), 37–56.


