The integration of the immigrants of “second generation” in Almería. A case of fragmented pluralism


  • Juan Carlos Checa Universidad de Almería
  • Ángeles Arjona Universidad de Almería



Acculturation, Multiculturalism, Segmented Assimilation, Transnationalism, Youth


The objective of this article is to know the integration process of “second-generation” inmigrant integration in the countryside of Almería (Spain). We analyze the adaptation that the youths are experiencing in the following dimensions: socioeconomic, mixed relationships, relating cultural, norms and transnationalism. The data are obtained with the administration of a questionnaire in different educational centres and in the residential environment; the final sample is formed by a total of 390 surveys. The results show that not all the second- generation immigrants have the same adaptation; we can observe, on the contrary, unequal situations, what draws a scenario of fragmented pluralism. The origin, the years of stay, the level of studies, the profession and the habitat are the key variables that predict this process.


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How to Cite

Checa, J. C., & Arjona, Ángeles. (2009). The integration of the immigrants of “second generation” in Almería. A case of fragmented pluralism. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 67(3), 701–727.


