Neo-Rurality and its Meanings. The Case of Navarre


  • María Jesús Rivera Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados (IESA-CSIC), Córdoba



Socio-residential Strategies, Rural Idyll, Residential Utopias


This paper examines some of the meanings that are sometimes neglected under the generic term of neorurality. From our point of view, moving one’s home from town to countryside is not solely a change of house, but a life venture, bringing together social representations of the rural and the urban, of country life and the urban lifestyle. In the case of people who have moved from Pamplona (county town of Navarre, a northern region of Spain) to any rural area of Navarre, these representations, along with the broad heterogeneity of underlying reasons and expectations for the future, have shaped three different types of neo-rurality. They represent, somehow, three ways of constructing differing rural spaces (and ruralities). The paper analyses these types of neo-ruralities and the significance of the move for the migrants in the context of Navarre. To do this, we analyse the discourse expressed in diverse indepth interviews conducted with people who have identified themselves as urban-to-rural migrants.


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How to Cite

Rivera, M. J. (2009). Neo-Rurality and its Meanings. The Case of Navarre. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 67(2), 413–433.


