The Making of a Craft. Considerations Regarding Sociologie de l´Algerie by Pierre Bourdieu


  • Ildefonso Marqués Perales Centro de Estudios Andaluces. Universidad de Cádiz.



Acculturation, Face-to-face interaction, Independent War


This paper analyses the contents of the first work by the French anthropologist and sociologist Pierre Bourdieu: Sociologie de l´Algérie. In this respect, these contents will be studied considering the relationships the author had with other intellectuals from 1955 to 1958, period of time in which he wrote this book. Our thesis on this article is based on the fact that this work will only be properly understood if we take into account the relations between the intellectuals living in Algeria at the beginning of its Independence War. We will only be able to understand the author´s political and theoretical choices if we analyse the possible influences that he could have had at that time. At the end of the present paper, we will raise a number of objections to Bourdieu´s work in the light of other publications of the same period.


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How to Cite

Marqués Perales, I. (2009). The Making of a Craft. Considerations Regarding Sociologie de l´Algerie by Pierre Bourdieu. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 67(1), 179–193.


