Looking at the adjusted gender pay gap. Searching for direct discrimination in Spain





General Linear Model, Gender Inequality, Hidden Gap, Pay Discrimination


We investigate the hidden gender gap, the unexplained wage inequality that could be related to direct discrimination. A General Linear Model combining the variables of the 2018 Spanish Structure of Earnings Survey is estimated to construct typologies with maximum pay gap. We build a matrix with all combinations of explanatory variables including sex (>3 million rows). We predict salary with the model and calculate the wage gap between rows whose only difference is sex. We order rows selecting those with the maximum pay gap (≥ 99th percentile) to identify typologies. Therefore, we are able to adjust the calculation of the hidden gap (13.1%) and identify the type of occupation where it mostly occurs (permanent jobs, in companies of 1 to 49 workers in the industrial sector of the Northwest of Spain). Additionally, we highlight the characteristics of women who suffer most from it (women ≥ 50 years with medium and high education).


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How to Cite

Simó-Noguera, C. X., Mondragón-García, E., Carbonell-Asins, J. A., & Romero-Crespo, J. A. (2023). Looking at the adjusted gender pay gap. Searching for direct discrimination in Spain. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 81(3), e233. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2023.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers RTI2018-095888-B-I00D