The viscerality of lethal violence. a phenomenological model of homicide between men in Buenos Aires, Argentina




Argentina, Experience, Homicide, Lethal violence, Perpetrators


This paper analyses the experiences of men who committed the homicide of other men in Buenos Aires, Argentina (2000-2020). Drawing upon radical interactionism and social studies of emotions, the situational dynamic of lethal violence is reconstructed. Stemming from a hermeneutic design, a corpus of 73 narrative interviews with perpetrators was inductively coded. Three domains were identified (emotions, descriptions of rivals and ways of experiencing audiences) to analyse the situational construction of the self and the experiential elements at stake. A phenomenological model is presented, integrating these domains, and the concept of viscerality of violence is formulated to describe the diversity of sensible elements present during homicides. This paper expands simplistic notions of the naturalisation of violence and honour, by showing that perpetrators experience inevitability, threat, and evaluation.


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How to Cite

Di Marco, M. H. (2023). The viscerality of lethal violence. a phenomenological model of homicide between men in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 81(2), e227.




Funding data

Norges Forskningsråd
Grant numbers 324299

Universidad de Buenos Aires
Grant numbers PRI R20-24