Interweaving Bruno Latour: inscriptions, monsters, hybrids, and metamorphosis




Latour, Intellectual Trajectory, Sociology, Modernity, Latin America


This article delves into the intellectual trajectory of Bruno Latour (1947-2022), highlighting four threads that allow us to navigate through different moments of his thinking: (1) the concept of inscription, (2) the metaphor of monsters, (3) the notion of the hybrid, and (4) the reference to metamorphosis. Understanding these threads as lateral concepts, they provide a journey through Latour’s work, starting from his early engagement with philosophy and theology, progressing through laboratory studies, his associology, and his later ecological project. Having traversed this path, the article examines the yield of tools offered by Latour and the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) for conducting scientific-social research in Latin America.


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How to Cite

Salinas Lemus, F. J. (2024). Interweaving Bruno Latour: inscriptions, monsters, hybrids, and metamorphosis. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 82(1), e243.




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