Artistic Neighborhoods as Local Base of Global Culture. The Case of the Raval in Barcelona


  • Joaquím Rius Uldemollins Universidad Barcelona



Artistic neighborhood, Cultural District, Cultural Policy, Urban Renewal


Artistic neighborhoods, one of the urban phenomenons most characteristic of the beginning century, are beoming an important object of study in the social sciences. However the analysis is overly centered on their economic impact or the cultural policies that have contributed to their creation. In this article, we propose to center the study of artistic neighborhoods in the urban, social and artistic dynamics that explain their emergence and rationale for their development. In this sense, we show how the Raval is symbollicaly charged, having an important presence of artists and small cultural businesses, makes up the core of emerging,hybrid and multicultural art in Barcelona and in addition counts on the presence of two cultural institutions oriented towards cultural governance.


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How to Cite

Rius Uldemollins, J. (2008). Artistic Neighborhoods as Local Base of Global Culture. The Case of the Raval in Barcelona. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 66(51), 179–205.


