Marx and Foucault: subsumption of labour, discipline and biopower




Biopolitics, Disciplines, Formal subsumption, Real subsumption, Social relationship


Several studies about the theoretical relationship between Marx and Foucault agree that their possible closeness rest on the correspondence between the concepts of “real subsumption of labour” and “power technologies”. This paper explores that common theoretical field identifying a specific proximity between formal subsumption of labour and disciplinary technologies, as well as between real subsumption of labour and biopolitical technologies. But also observing the limits of these similarities to the extent that those concepts belong to two divergent sociologies. For this aim some necessary accuracies are made about the concepts of subsumption of labour and power technologies, then their specific relationships are examined, and finally some of general sociological grounds of both theories are discussed.


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How to Cite

Chávez, D. (2022). Marx and Foucault: subsumption of labour, discipline and biopower. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 80(3), e209.


